Labiaplasty surgery in Turkey
Labia Reduction in Turkey
One of the most common and uncomfortable aesthetic issues for women is the size, sagging, and discoloration of the outer and inner labia. A vaginal cosmetic surgery that involves reducing and correcting the labia (inner lips) is referred to as "labiaplasty labia correction."
For some women, having long and large inner lips that protrude from the outer lips may not pose a significant health issue, but it can cause discomfort by disrupting the aesthetic appearance. This condition, which may be present genetically at birth, can occur after childbirth or as a result of excessive weight gain and loss, and can affect a woman's sexual life.
The aesthetic surgery of the inner lip can also be performed in conjunction with a vaginal tightening operation.
The Labiaplasty Surgery Process
In this surgery, if necessary, the inner lips are reduced in size so that they are not visible between the outer lips. The aesthetic surgery of the inner lip typically takes around 1 hour to perform. Self-absorbing sutures are used in the aesthetic inner lip surgery. No bandage is applied after the operation, and the surgical area is left open and cleaned with antibiotic ointments.
After the aesthetic surgery of the inner lip:
The patient can return to their daily activities from the next day. The wound healing is completed within one week. Sexual intercourse is possible 4 weeks after labiaplasty.
This operation does not harm the hymen, nor does it cause any damage or hindrance during sexual intercourse, pleasure, orgasm, conception, and childbirth. There are no problems with urination or going to the toilet after the operation.